Stats & Analytics Data Export

Exporting your stats

When going through your stats in Rumble every view/page have links at the bottom for "Export JSON" and "Export CSV". These links allow you to export the data in the requested format, but you can also use these URLs to pull the data into your own system.

You will want to first find the view that you want to import, then proceed to copy the URL provided in the Export link, the URL you get will look like this:

ui and uh are keys that allow you to use the current session for the export. If you do log out of your current session the URL will stop working, by not logging out you can use the URL for long periods of time in your system.

df and dt can be changed to the date range you want the report for.

Changing any of the other parameters will require you to get a new Export link as uh will need to change, that is why it is best to get the exact view you want before getting the link.